Ship Finance
We regularly advise ship financiers on Malaysian ship finance law. We assist on the registrations of ship mortgages and provide input on their enforcement.

We have many publications on Malaysian ship finance law and practice, including co-contributing author on the Malaysian law component of the book “Ship Finance: Singapore and Malaysia” published by Butterworths. We often deliver papers at international conferences including the International Bar Association and Lloyds’ Maritime Academy of London.
Our Firm had acted as transaction counsel for Labuan incorporated ship owners of Labuan registered vessels in the first shipping trust structures in Malaysia to finance the acquisition of 2 vessels for USD60 million. Our legal services included advising on, drafting or reviewing all corporate, security and finance documents like the shipbuilding contract, the bareboat charterparty, the trust agreement, the facilities agreement, the share security, the account security, the guarantee, the ship mortgage, the deed of covenant accompanying the ship mortgage, the assignment of insurance proceeds, the assignment of earnings and the debenture.